There are many reasons people don’t vote. To inspire someone to vote in 2020 may involve little or no political debate at all. Here are some ways to get started:
Stamps. There are lots of Millennials who do everything digitally. They don’t own stamps. I live in a mail-in ballot state. Last year I bought a roll of stamps and handed them out to people as postage for their mail-in ballot. I handed out 70 stamps to help the ballot move from the kitchen table to the mailbox. I bet I got at least 15 people to vote.
Be a friend. You don’t have to be an activist to vote. Find a friend who also doesn’t care about politics and figure out the voting process together.
Open the Door. This is an easy start.... Tell a friend about You+1. Explain that you are thinking about the movement and ask for their opinion. I have found sixteen +1s simply by telling others about the movement.
Plant a Seed. Ask someone about their plan to vote in the presidential election.
Provide hope. I run into folks who feel that their vote doesn’t matter and the whole political hubbub is a mess. Invite them to join this quiet movement and give them a way to make their actions matter.
Support. If you have a friend who lives in a household where another household member is oppressive about political opinions, support your friend to cast their own vote. Supporting someone in their unique beliefs is a beautiful way to care about an individual and give them the courage to cast their own unique vote.
Make a pact. If you care about a specific issue, find a friend who also cares about that issue and agree to vote together.
Exchange. If someone voted by rote, without fervor, in the last election, give them a chance to communicate their concerns, or indifference, about the country. Offer your opinions for their consideration in an informal exchange of ideas.
Provide perspective. It's okay to place only one vote on the ballot. Your conversation can encourage someone to vote for the things they do know about, rather than avoiding the whole ballot because they don’t know everything.
Welcome. Is someone new to your area? It’s surprising how many people do not vote because they lack one piece of information. Ask, “Is there anything I can do to help?”
Broaden. Write a personal email to friends and family. Explain why you are involved in You+1 and send them them the You+1 link. ( I was surprised to find several family members who had not voted.)
Ask. Make a coffee date to read the paper with a friend. Ask, “Do you plan to vote?”
Reach out. Even if you are not eligible to vote, You+1 is a way for you encourage others and make a difference.
Link. Ask your friends if they are registered to vote. If not, send them a voter registration link. Then in 2020, circle back to see if they have questions about the voting process. ( I have a friend who puts the voter registration and YouPlusOne2020 links in the signature portion of his emails).
Once you start thinking about it, you’ll find that there are people all around you.
This is an important election.
Rather than shouting loudly to convince thousands of people to agree on something, we can each take action through authenticity and caring about one another. If someone needs a stamp, give them a stamp. If they need support, give them support. I trust that you will know exactly the right thing to say or do with your people.
If we each tell 3 people about You+1, we will reach millions of voters by Election Day, November 2020.
Stamps. There are lots of Millennials who do everything digitally. They don’t own stamps. I live in a mail-in ballot state. Last year I bought a roll of stamps and handed them out to people as postage for their mail-in ballot. I handed out 70 stamps to help the ballot move from the kitchen table to the mailbox. I bet I got at least 15 people to vote.
Be a friend. You don’t have to be an activist to vote. Find a friend who also doesn’t care about politics and figure out the voting process together.
Open the Door. This is an easy start.... Tell a friend about You+1. Explain that you are thinking about the movement and ask for their opinion. I have found sixteen +1s simply by telling others about the movement.
Plant a Seed. Ask someone about their plan to vote in the presidential election.
Provide hope. I run into folks who feel that their vote doesn’t matter and the whole political hubbub is a mess. Invite them to join this quiet movement and give them a way to make their actions matter.
Support. If you have a friend who lives in a household where another household member is oppressive about political opinions, support your friend to cast their own vote. Supporting someone in their unique beliefs is a beautiful way to care about an individual and give them the courage to cast their own unique vote.
Make a pact. If you care about a specific issue, find a friend who also cares about that issue and agree to vote together.
Exchange. If someone voted by rote, without fervor, in the last election, give them a chance to communicate their concerns, or indifference, about the country. Offer your opinions for their consideration in an informal exchange of ideas.
Provide perspective. It's okay to place only one vote on the ballot. Your conversation can encourage someone to vote for the things they do know about, rather than avoiding the whole ballot because they don’t know everything.
Welcome. Is someone new to your area? It’s surprising how many people do not vote because they lack one piece of information. Ask, “Is there anything I can do to help?”
Broaden. Write a personal email to friends and family. Explain why you are involved in You+1 and send them them the You+1 link. ( I was surprised to find several family members who had not voted.)
Ask. Make a coffee date to read the paper with a friend. Ask, “Do you plan to vote?”
Reach out. Even if you are not eligible to vote, You+1 is a way for you encourage others and make a difference.
Link. Ask your friends if they are registered to vote. If not, send them a voter registration link. Then in 2020, circle back to see if they have questions about the voting process. ( I have a friend who puts the voter registration and YouPlusOne2020 links in the signature portion of his emails).
Once you start thinking about it, you’ll find that there are people all around you.
This is an important election.
Rather than shouting loudly to convince thousands of people to agree on something, we can each take action through authenticity and caring about one another. If someone needs a stamp, give them a stamp. If they need support, give them support. I trust that you will know exactly the right thing to say or do with your people.
If we each tell 3 people about You+1, we will reach millions of voters by Election Day, November 2020.