Get started. Finding a +1 can be as easy as asking someone if they have made a plan to vote in the 2020 election. Click here for more ideas.
Share. Share You+1 with friends, family, and organizations through an email or phone call. |
Who to share with?
a) Think about the people you know
b) Share with a few or share broadly
c) Ask the people you share with to share with their friends.
d) Find your +1
- One of the beautiful things about You+1 is that the network grows through friendship. You don't have to knock on doors. Or sit at a phone bank calling strangers. You don't have to rant or have political debates. Instead, share this idea with your friends and family.
- The first people who come to mind may be more politically vocal. Share with them.
- Then think further. You+1 is uniquely suited to folks who don't typically talk about politics. In this way, it gives quieter people a way to take meaningful action. It is okay to reach out to "non-political" friends. Here are the steps:
a) Think about the people you know
b) Share with a few or share broadly
c) Ask the people you share with to share with their friends.
d) Find your +1
Watch. Click through this slideshow to see how one person, from their kitchen table, can impact thousands:
You+1 is the idea of a visual artist who cares deeply but prefers to speak softly.
- Write to me at [email protected] and tell me about your You+1 experience!
- Sometime in the future, it is possible that I will create an art piece about this experience.
- You+1 will not ask you for money or sell your data. It will not bombard you with information.
- You+1 is not connected with a particular candidate.